Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Population in France

This summary response, written on February 03, 2009, by Barbara is related to the increasing of the birth rate in France, and the reasons for this increasing. Barbara relates births, marriages, and incentives measures, as three factors that could influence the birth rate in France. Barbara concludes that in their country, they could control fertility if they want.

Nowadays, population growth is considered as a problem for the Less Developed Countries. In some countries, like France and Germany, which are More Developed Countries, the birth rate is low. Then, the Government tries to persuade people to have children. Why do they have such an attitude? The reason is first they are afraid of losing their culture, that is to say, their language, and their history. Second is the international role of France, in politics, and in economy. It is important for the French Government to encourage people to have children to avoid losing their culture, because culture is what makes a difference among nations. Each nation has his habits, and his way to clothe. The French are very proud of their fashion style. Another reason is the role of France in international politics and economy, because if they are no French, how can France continue to influence the international politics and markets?

In conclusion, it is important for France to increase its birth rate, first to avoid losing its culture, second to continue its international influence. Survival is important for nations to keep their influence in this world.

Read this article from http://spainbarbie.blogspot.com

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